Hilary's Page
About Me | ST 2003 Softball Schedule | 2003 Photographs | 2002 Photographs | Links | Contact Me | Shout Outs


Welcome! This is where you'll learn stuff about The Hilster!

Ok. The Hilster = Hilary Taylor. got it idiot.

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What's New?

4/03/03 - New stuff on the "About Me" page.
4/03/03 - The photos are up finally. Ones from 4/2. Against OG.
4/02/03 - New photos and information coming soon.
3/20/03 - Some stuff reformatted and stuff...
3/19/03 - New photograph...
3/18/03 - New Photographs Added
3/18/03 - Photograph of me added to the About me page.
3/18/03 - ST Softball Schedule Added. You can now get to this site by: www.dahilster.tk . thanks.
8/21/02 - Text Cursor added to all pages.
8/14/02 - Site launched!

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.